Field Stories June 26, 2013 MI’s biggest zinc program is reducing diarrhoea-related deaths in India Renu Kumari is an ASHA, an Accredited Social Health Activist volunteer, and is part of a major movement to save lives throughout Bihar, India.
Field Stories November 23, 2012 Dr. Marion Roche: Thinking Inside the Box to Save Children’s Lives in Guatemala For the next year, Dr. Marion Roche, MI's Technical Advisor for Behaviour Change Communication, will be talking about something most of us don't want to hear about – diarrhoea.
Field Stories November 6, 2012 Tackling diarrhoea in Senegal with ORS and zinc: a life-saving combination ZACH is a unique partnership created to develop and sustain diarrhoea treatment programs using zinc supplementation in combination with ORS.
Field Stories February 15, 2012 Transitioning health care delivery in Ethiopia Genet Kebede knows the staff and volunteers who are gathered at the Kebele Meeting Hall in Welenchity, Boset Woreda, Ethiopia well.
Field Stories February 15, 2012 Reaching the hard-to-reach in Bangladesh with vitamin A While vitamin A coverage is high in Bangladesh, in many areas with over 90 per cent coverage with two doses, some children are still being missed.
Field Stories August 5, 2011 Child Health Weeks in Haiti: bringing essential health services to those in need Over the first two weeks in July, trained health workers fanned out across Haiti to provide families, especially those with young children, with preventive health services.
Field Stories May 26, 2011 Answering the call for Chispitas in Bolivia To lessen the chance of stock-outs of Chispitas, the name of the multiple micronutrient powder (MMNP) used in Bolivia, and other health products, MI undertook a cell phone pilot project in Santa Cruz.
Field Stories April 11, 2011 Child Health Weeks in Haiti overcome obstacles to save lives There is positive work being done by the Ministry of Public Health for the health and nutrition of Haitians, and the Micronutrient Initiative (MI) is a lead supporter of their Child Health Week.
Field Stories November 26, 2010 Vitamin A supplementation for newborns in Nepal At first glance, this photo portrays a simple scene: a mother in Nepal giving something to her day-old child.