Digitizing Pakistan’s oil fortification program This project will institutionalize and sustain the improvement in quality and availability of adequately fortified oil with vitamins A and D in Pakistan.
Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation (BISA) The Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation project supports the Government of Indonesia’s national strategy to reduce stunting by improving nutrition before pregnancy and in the first 1,000 days.
Optimizing India's social safety net programs Nutrition International is helping state governments in India increase the availability of fortified foods in their social safety net programs (SSNPs), improving access to critical micronutrients.
Food Fortification Program (FFP) Pakistan Implementing a large-scale food fortification program in Pakistan to fortify wheat flour and edible oil with micronutrients in collaboration with Mott MacDonald.
MITRA Youth MITRA Youth provides weekly iron-folic acid supplements to prevent and reduce anaemia for adolescent girls so they can reach their full potential.
Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) Project With UK aid from the UK Government, NTEAM’s TAN project provides support and assistance to SUN Movement countries to improve the nutritional status of their populations, especially women and children.
Vitamin A Supplementation Since 1994, we've been leading the global effort to reduce the death of children under five by making sure that vitamin A supplements are delivered to developing countries around the world.
Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health (ENRICH) ENRICH contributes to achieving global nutrition targets, reducing maternal and child mortality, and improving overall maternal and child health outcomes in Bangladesh, Kenya and Tanzania.
Zinc Alliance for Child Health (ZACH) Zinc Alliance for Child Health provides financial and technical support to scale up zinc and LO-ORS treatment in countries that have high numbers of children dying from childhood diarrhoeal diseases.
With Good Nutrition She’ll Grow Into It With good nutrition, a girl can grow, learn, earn and lead. Together, we can spur global action to ensure girls have the nutrition they need to survive and thrive.