Blog Posts April 13, 2022 Nutrition International celebrates 30 years of impact At a time of growing global need, we learn from our past as we look to our future
Blog Posts April 5, 2022 Towards gender-responsive nutrition programming for adolescent girls in Pakistan We are helping to strengthen adolescent and maternal nutrition services in Pakistan by identifying and addressing gender-based norms and behaviours.
April 1, 2022 Weekly iron and folic acid supplementation and nutrition education for adolescent girls in Africa and Asia This article outlines the programs implemented in partnership with Nutrition International under Right Start to support adolescent nutrition in six countries in Africa and Asia.
News March 23, 2022 Canada’s Minister of International Development sees firsthand the impact of good nutrition in Senegal Minister Sajjan and a Canadian delegation met with adolescents at their counselling centre in Thiès to learn about the impact of good nutrition on their lives.
March 3, 2022 Perspective: Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFAS): A Critical Review and Rationale for Inclusion in the Essential Medicines List to Accelerate Anemia and Neural Tube Defects Reduction The study assessed whether the current dose of folic acid for weekly supplementation would be sufficient for raising red blood cell folate to concentrations associated with a reduced risk of NTDs.
March 2, 2022 The Right Start to Life: Stories of Nourishing the First 1000 Days This document includes 11 inspiring stories of change from Nutrition International’s Barangay First 1000 Days program in Philippines which aimed to improve maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
News January 31, 2022 Nutrition International launches Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course in Bahasa The launch was held at an event to mark the Indonesian National Day of Nutrition.
Brief December 20, 2021 Policy Brief: India - Cost-effectiveness of transitioning from IFA to MMS for Pregnancy This brief summarizes the cost-effectiveness of transitioning from iron-folic acid supplementation (IFAS) to multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) for pregnancy, in India.
News December 7, 2021 Nutrition International welcomes Canada’s new global nutrition investments These commitments reaffirm Canada's longstanding commitment to proven nutrition interventions and breaking down silos between nutrition and other sectors.
project November 23, 2021 Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation Implementation Research in Pakistan This project is supporting the introduction of multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) in antenatal care alongside implementation research.