Bridging the fortification gap in the Philippines
Nutrition International is leading a collaborative effort to improve the micronutrient status of women, adolescent girls and children in the Philippines by improving fortification policies.
Iron is essential for healthy immune systems and sufficient energy levels.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world, particularly affecting women and girls. Iron has a key role in early brain development, productivity, and safe pregnancies.
Iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional deficiency in the world.
Iron-deficiency anaemia can affect all populations, but women and girls are often hit hardest – holding them back from reaching their full potential. Anaemia reduces energy levels and lowers the capacity of people to fully function in their communities and lives, resulting in economic consequences for their families, communities and countries.
Ensuring pregnant women have access to the iron they need to be healthy and have healthy babies.
Nutrition International works closely with governments and their partners to deliver iron supplementation through routine health services, such as antenatal care. We strive to get women and babies the nutrition they need by:
Bridging the anaemia gap
We help reduce anaemia in adolescent girls so they can reach their full potential.
Our adolescent nutrition programs bridge the anaemia gap that disproportionately burdens adolescent girls and impacts their potential to succeed in school, their productivity at home and in their communities, and their current and future reproductive health.
Improving adolescent girls’ nutrition through supplementation and nutrition education.
Together with government, civil society and academic partners, we:
Fortifying staple foods with iron to improve the nutritional status of entire populations.
We work with governments, industry partners and other relevant stakeholders to ensure adequate fortification of staples (wheat flour, maize flour and rice) and condiments (double fortified salt) with iron and other micronutrients. We also advocate for policies to ensure that iron is routinely and adequately added to potential food vehicles, and supports the governments and industry partners in effective operationalization of these policies/guidance.
We worked with the University of Toronto to develop double-fortified salt, a scientific breakthrough that involves adding iron to iodized salt. This innovative discovery could potentially boost the health of two billion people suffering from iron-deficiency anaemia.
Fortification with iron programs implemented population-wide have been associated with a 34% reduction in the risk of anaemia among women.
Nutrition International is also investing efforts and resources in assessing the feasibility and scope of fortifying pulses with iron and other micronutrients. In collaboration with University of Saskatchewan, we have established evidence on the efficacy of iron-fortified red lentils in improving body iron status of non-pregnant adolescents of rural Bangladesh, and undertaken other market and community assessments.
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