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OTTAWA, CANADA – Canadian parliamentarians from both houses, along with NGOs & civil society members, came together on Parliament Hill to celebrate International Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week, and raise awareness about Canada’s global leadership to improve the health of the world’s most vulnerable, especially women and children.

The evening reception was hosted by the Honourable Dr. Asha Seth and the Honourable Norman E. Doyle, in collaboration with the Micronutrient Initiative (MI).

Mark Fryars, MI’s Vice President of Programs and Technical Services, spoke to the crowded room about the one billion malnourished women and girls in today’s world and inspired those in attendance to join their voices with MI’s to call for the prioritization of women’s nutrition now.

Senator Seth encouraged parliamentarians to continue to be a loud voice for the millions of vulnerable people impacted by malnutrition.

Thank you to the Honourable Asha Seth and the Honourable Norman Doyle, and the other committed Canadian parliamentarians who spoke at the event, for being nutrition champions. And thank you to all who came out and added their voice.