Field Stories
Ten inspiring global nutrition stories
December 17, 2024
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WATCH: Reducing childhood stunting in Indonesia
Stunting impacts a child’s physical and cognitive development. BISA, the Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation project, is working to reduce childhood stunting in Indonesia by improving nutrition before pregnancy and in the first 1,000 days.
Posted on June 14, 2024
Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation
The Government of Indonesia is working to eliminate net new stunting cases.
In 2018, one third of children under five in Indonesia were stunted. In response, the Government of Indonesia launched the National Strategy to Accelerate Stunting Prevention. Nutrition International and Save the Children have been working with the government to help bring the strategy to life through the Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation (BISA) project. Launched in 2019, the five-year project has supported the government to improve nutrition for adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, women of reproductive age and children under two.
“Kita bisa” means “we can” in Bahasa. Watch the video to learn how the BISA project is working through government ministries to strengthen nutrition programming across two provinces in the country.
Learn more about Nutrition International’s work in Indonesia.