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Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Nutrition International and the Embassy of Canada to Ethiopia convened a high-level event today to spotlight the critical health, economic, and human capital benefits of investing in nutrition in Ethiopia. With the upcoming Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit on the horizon, the event served as a rallying call for policymakers, donors, and stakeholders to align around key priorities and commit to sustainable nutrition investments.

A room of people sitting watch a presentation.
Policymakers, donors and stakeholder explored the benefits of investing in nutrition in Ethiopia and aligned aroind key priorities.

“Canada is a proud partner of Ethiopia and pleased to support Nutrition International’s work in the country,” said H.E. Ambassador Joshua Tabah, Ambassador of Canada to Ethiopia. “By investing in the right nutrition at the right time, we have the power to shape the future of Ethiopia’s women, infants and children, influencing not only their wellbeing, but also the role they will play as adults in their communities and country.”

A man stands in front of a screen delivering a presentation.
Dylan Walters, Project Director, Health Economics, Nutrition International presented the Cost of Inaction Tool, a powerful advocacy resource that calculates the health, economic and human capital costs of inaction on undernutrition.

At the event, Nutrition International showcased the Cost of Inaction (CoI) tool, a powerful advocacy resource that estimates the severe health and economic costs of failing to invest in nutrition. The tool provides critical data on the impacts of stunting among children under five and women of reproductive age, linked to the World Health Assembly (WHA) targets on stunting, anaemia, and low birthweight.

The high cost of inaction on nutrition in Ethiopia

  • Economic toll: Ethiopia loses at least USD $8.6 billion annually due to undernutrition, representing 7% of its total national income
  • Stunting crisis: Each year, Ethiopia records 1.2 million new cases of stunting, resulting in:
    • 52,000 child deaths
    • A loss of 13 million IQ points (1 IQ point loss equals a 1% loss in lifetime earnings)
    • Two million school years lost
  • Anaemia burden: Anaemia costs Ethiopia USD $1.5 billion per year, affecting:
    • 7 million children under five
    • 3 million adolescent girls (15-19 years)
    • 2 million women and girls (15-49 years)
  • Low birthweight impact: With an estimated 527,000 cases of low birthweight annually, Ethiopia loses USD $1.8 billion due to:
    • 20,000 child deaths
    • A loss of 5 million IQ points

“This powerful tool can guide policy decisions and investments, especially in the lead-up to N4G commitments

— Tiringo Kinfegabriel, Country Director for Ethiopia, Nutrition International

“The Cost of Inaction Tool underscores the urgent need to tackle malnutrition. Now that we have a clear understanding of the high costs of neglecting nutrition, continuing the same path is no longer an option,” said Tiringo Kinfegabriel, Country Director for Ethiopia, Nutrition International. “This powerful tool can guide policy decisions and investments, especially in the lead-up to N4G commitments.”

The CoI tool equips decision-makers with country-level estimates on the economic burden of malnutrition, strengthening the case for increased policy action and investment. The tool is being expanded to include the costs of neglected tropical diseases, wasting and childhood obesity, providing an even more comprehensive economic analysis to drive smart nutrition investments.

Three people sit facing the camera.
Panellists participated in a productive discussion on what N4G means for Ethiopia and potential commitments as the summit approaches.

While progress has been made through national commitments like the Seqota Declaration, which aims to end stunting among children under the age of two years by 2030, Ethiopia remains off track to meet all the global nutrition targets. Increased investments in stunting, anaemia, low birthweight and breastfeeding support could save Ethiopia at least USD $8.6 billion annually.

“As N4G approaches, Ethiopia is undertaking a comprehensive review of its previous commitments and setting revised and new N4G Paris Commitments to align with national and WHA target,” said H.E. Dr. Mekdes Daba, Ethiopia’s Minister of Health. “This presents an opportunity to mobilize stakeholders to commit and invest in meaningful, cost-effective and evidence-based nutrition solutions that address real needs and support Ethiopia’s Food and Nutrition Strategy as well as the Seqota Declaration.”

A call to action

The time for action is now. As the world prepares for N4G Paris, we call on policymakers, donors and stakeholders to stand in solidarity with the Government of Ethiopia. By committing to bold, strategic and evidence-based nutrition investments, we can shape a future where every child and woman can thrive.