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February 6, 2025
Nutrition International supports Indonesia’s Large-Scale Food Fortification Forum
The Scaling Up Nutrition Annual Meeting in Indonesia was organized under the theme of Nutrition for All. Nutrition International, as the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance (SUN CSA) Coordinator supported the government’s large-scale food fortification initiative that was launched at the meeting.
Posted on November 29, 2023
Jakarta, Indonesia – The Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas as the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Focal Point in Indonesia launched the Large-Scale Food Fortification Forum at the SUN Annual Meeting held in Jakarta. The forum, in which Nutrition International is a core member, serves as a coordination platform for stakeholders for the large-scale fortification (LSFF) program in Indonesia.
“Nutrition International strongly supports the government’s initiative to establish the LSFF Forum and will continue its contribution to the advancement of the LSFF program in the country,” said Rozy Jafar, Deputy Country Director for Indonesia, Nutrition International, who participated in a discussion panel at the event. “As part of the forum, Nutrition International will lead SUN CSA’s role on food fortification.”
As the SUN CSA coordinator in Indonesia, Nutrition International played a major role in advocating the government to issue the wheat flour fortification regulation that mandates the industry to comply with the national standard which is aligned with the World Health Organization.
“Nutrition International strongly supports the government’s initiative to establish the LSFF Forum and will continue its contribution to the advancement of the LSFF program in the country.
—Rozy Jafar, Deputy Country Director for Indonesia, Nutrition International
“We are grateful for the contribution from the SUN platform, especially the SUN in our fortification program and hope that the same contribution can be extended to us in this LSFF Forum,” said Endang Sulastri, the Acting Director for Public Health and Nutrition at the Bappenas.
This year, the meeting was held under the theme ‘Nutrition for All,’ and offered an opportunity for participants to express new perspectives, celebrate success, share best practices and re-strengthen a mutual commitment to accelerate the improvement of nutrition issues in the country. A series of activities were conducted in the lead up to the main event.
The event was attended by various ministries, development partners, representatives of the SUN CSA members, SUN Business Network and SUN Academia.