SickKids Centre for Global Child Health led IGNIT3 receives funding from Canadian Government to help address malnutrition in Ghana, Malawi and Pakistan
May 29, 2023
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Bomet County launches nutrition action plan
The Bomet County Nutrition Action Plan, developed with support from Nutrition International, outlines a multisectoral approach to scale up efforts to eliminate malnutrition in the county.
Posted on February 19, 2021
Officials take part in the Bomet County CNAP launch
February 19, 2021 – Bomet County today launched its County Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP) for 2020-2025. With an investment of Ksh 1.8 billion, the plan is designed to accelerate and scale up efforts to eliminate malnutrition in the county by promoting nutrition and enhancing food security and governance.
The CNAP supports the goals of the Kenya National Nutrition Action Plan 2018-2022 and is aligned with the Bomet County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), the Annual Work Plan and the Constitution of Kenya, which recognizes food security as a constitutional right.
Nutrition International supported the development of the CNAP through its Nutrition Technical Assistance Mechanism’s Technical Assistance for Nutrition project, funded with UK aid from the UK government.
“This plan will be used to finance nutrition interventions and resource mobilization by putting more emphasis on domestic financing, which is key in the sustainability of nutrition programs,” said Bomet County Governor His Excellency Dr. Hillary Barchok, who also recognized the work of Nutrition International and partners in developing the plan.
Malnutrition rates are high in Bomet County, with 51% of pregnant women suffering from anaemia and 36% of children under five stunted, well above the national average of 26%.
“This plan envisions a prosperous and competitive county in economic, social, and political development offering high-quality nutrition services to men, women, boys and girls across all ages and diversities,” said Dr. Joseph K. Sitonik, Chief Executive Committee Member for Health.
The CNAP prioritizes multisectoral actions to address malnutrition, through collaboration with the health, agriculture and livestock, education, water and sanitation, social and children services, and finance and economic planning sectors. The plan also lays out a monitoring and accountability framework, as well as costs for the interventions, which will be used to mainstream nutrition into the CIDP.
“We would like to prioritize the implementation of nutrition actions across sectors,” said Nutrition International Kenya Country Director Martha Nyagaya. “We are committed to smarter planning and better coordination. The development of the Bomet County Nutrition Action Plan is a recognition of the need to plan better and act together.”