Field Stories March 9, 2021 Improving the health of Pakistani families through a common household staple: cooking oil Here’s how Nutrition International is bridging gaps to help streamline edible oil fortification in Pakistan.
News March 4, 2021 Nutrition International accelerates large-scale food fortification in Pakistan Nutrition International launched a new phase of the Food Fortification Programme in Pakistan to continue implementing large-scale wheat flour and edible oil fortification.
January 8, 2021 Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition in Pakistan: Formative research summary report This document summarizes the background, study design, purpose, findings, and key messages emerging from the formative research conducted for ENRICH in Pakistan's Sukkur district, Sindh Province.
January 8, 2021 Cost-effectiveness analyses for the WHO review on multiple micronutrient supplements during pregnancy: Technical Report This technical report includes custom cost-effectiveness analyses of MMS for 12 LMIC. It also serves as an additional resource for countries considering MMS in the context of implementation research.
News December 9, 2020 Strengthening institutional and human capacity to improve food safety in Kyber Pakhtunkhwa NTEAM’s support through the TAN project has been instrumental in enabling the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan, to lead the regulation and monitoring of food safety.
project November 17, 2020 Food Fortification Program (FFP) Pakistan Implementing a large-scale food fortification program in Pakistan to fortify wheat flour and edible oil with micronutrients in collaboration with Mott MacDonald.
project November 15, 2020 Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) Project With UK aid from the UK Government, NTEAM’s TAN project provides support and assistance to SUN Movement countries to improve the nutritional status of their populations, especially women and children.
project November 13, 2020 Vitamin A Supplementation Since 1994, we've been leading the global effort to reduce the death of children under five by making sure that vitamin A supplements are delivered to developing countries around the world.
Field Stories October 30, 2020 Shazia's story: Vitamin A Supplementation during COVID-19 in Pakistan Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, frontline health workers in Pakistan like Shazia Amjad have been working tirelessly to combat fear and stigma, dispel myths, and keep people informed.