May 10, 2020 Capacity Building of Small Millers — Training Manual Fortification of maize meal and bread flour with vitamins and minerals became mandatory in South Africa in October 2003
May 10, 2020 Burden of disease attributable to suboptimal diet, metabolic risks and low physical activity in Ethiopia and comparison with Eastern sub-Saharan African countries, 1990-2015: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 The objective of this study is to analyze data related to mortality and disability-adjusted life years associated with child and maternal undernutrition (CMU), dietary risks (DR), metabolic risks (MR)
May 10, 2020 Barriers and enablers for iron folic acid (IFA) supplementation in pregnant women This paper reviews and summarizes the barriers and enablers for improved coverage and utilization of iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements by pregnant women in 7 countries in Africa and Asia.
May 10, 2020 Association of serum selenium with thyroxin in severely iodine-deficient young children from the Amhara region of Ethiopia This study investigated the association of serum selenium levels of severely iodine-deficient children (54-60 months) from the Amhara region of Ethiopia.
May 10, 2020 Assessment of Caregiver’s Knowledge, Complementary Feeding Practices, and Adequacy of Nutrient Intake from Homemade Foods for Children of 6–23 Months in Food Insecure Woredas of Wolayita Zone, Ethiopia The aim of this study was to assess caregiver’s complementary feeding knowledge, feeding practices, and to evaluate adequacy of daily intakes from homemade complementary foods for children.
May 10, 2020 Assessment of aflatoxin exposure among young children in Ethiopia using urinary biomarkers Authors conducted a study to assess aflatoxin exposure among young children in Ethiopia using urinary biomarkers.
May 10, 2020 Applying international guidelines for calcium supplementation to prevent pre-eclampsia: simulation of recommended dosages suggests risk of excess intake in Ethiopia The purpose of this simulation was to study the impact of calcium supplementation during pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia.
May 10, 2020 A simplified regimen compared with WHO guidelines decreases antenatal calcium supplement intake for prevention of preeclampsia in a cluster-randomized noninferiority trial in Rural Kenya This study aimed to test whether a simplified supplementation regimen would improve adherence to antenatal calcium supplements in women in rural Kenya.
Field Stories April 21, 2020 Midwife in Nigeria uses nutrition knowledge to help women have safer, healthier pregnancies Rita Momoh is a nurse-midwife at a hospital in Abuja, Nigeria. With 15 years of experience and two children of her own, she understands the struggles facing pregnant women in the country.
page April 14, 2020 Tanzania Guided by the country’s National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan, we work with government to improve the health and nutrition of the population, particularly women, adolescent girls and children.