News March 2, 2021 Kiambu County launches five-year nutrition action plan Kiambu County's nutrition action plan provides a roadmap for mainstreaming nutrition into development plans in the county.
News February 23, 2021 Nakuru County launches nutrition action plan The County Government of Nakuru launched its County Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP) for 2020-2025. The plan provides a comprehensive and costed strategy to scale up efforts to eliminate malnutrition.
Brief February 23, 2021 Nakuru County Nutrition Investment Case This Investment Case highlights the potential health impacts and economic benefits of scaling up the low-cost, high-impact nutrition-specific interventions included in the Nakuru County CNAP.
Brief February 22, 2021 Technical Assistance Towards Accelerating AfDB Investment in Multi-sectoral Nutrition Programming: Sharing NTEAM’S Experience and Lessons Learned This document summarizes NTEAM’s experience and achievements to support the operationalization of AfDB’s MNAP and to strengthen in-house capacity on nutrition smart investments.
News February 19, 2021 Bomet County launches nutrition action plan The Bomet County Nutrition Action Plan, developed with support from Nutrition International, outlines a multisectoral approach to scale up efforts to eliminate malnutrition in the county.
Brief February 17, 2021 Murang'a County Nutrition Investment Case This Investment Case highlights the potential health impacts and economic benefits of scaling up the low-cost high-impact nutrition-specific interventions included in the Murang’a County CNAP.
Brief February 17, 2021 Bomet County Investment Case This Investment Case highlights the potential health impacts and economic benefits of scaling up the low-cost high-impact nutrition-specific interventions included in the Bomet County CNAP.
News February 17, 2021 Murang’a County launches nutrition action plan Murang'a County's nutrition action plan lays out key costed nutrition priorities that will help to accelerate and scale up efforts to eliminate malnutrition.
Brief February 10, 2021 Kenya Country Profile Our Kenya Country Profile details our work and nutrition programs in the country.
January 26, 2021 Reducing the Burden of Anemia and Neural Tube Defects in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Analysis to Identify Countries with an Immediate Potential to Benefit from Large-Scale Mandatory Fortification of Wheat Flour and Rice The paper identifies 18 low- and middle-income countries with the highest and most immediate potential for large-scale wheat flour and/or rice fortification.