Canada announces historic investment in the global fight against malnutrition
February 6, 2025
Multiple micronutrient supplementation cost–benefit tool for informing maternal nutrition policy and investment decisions
Nutrition International developed a modelling tool called the MMS cost–benefit tool to help users understand whether antenatal MMS is better value for money than iron and folic acid supplementation (IFAS) during pregnancy. The MMS cost–benefit tool can generate estimates on the potential health impact, budget impact, economic value, cost‐effectiveness and benefit–cost ratio of investing in MMS compared to IFAS in LMICs. With its user‐friendly design, open access availability, and online data‐driven analytics, the MMS cost–benefit tool can be a powerful resource for governments and nutrition partners seeking timely and evidence‐based analyses to inform policy‐decision and investments towards the scale‐up of MMS for pregnant women globally.