SickKids Centre for Global Child Health led IGNIT3 receives funding from Canadian Government to help address malnutrition in Ghana, Malawi and Pakistan
May 29, 2023
Girl-Powered Nutrition Program: Key Themes from a Formative Evaluation of a Nutrition Program Co-designed and Implemented by Adolescent Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
To improve nutritional knowledge and attitudes of girls and young women, Nutrition International partnered with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to pilot the Girl-Powered Nutrition (GPN). A largely qualitative, formative evaluation was commissioned to share adolescent girls’ and programmers’ experiences with co-designing and implementing the GPN program. Themes related to working with adolescent girls were identified: co-design; ensure adequate exposure and suitable timing; tailor program curriculum appropriately to adolescent age and stage; target adolescent gatekeepers and duty-bearers; and, address the underlying issues of poverty, gender inequality, and structural norms.
DOI: 10.1093/cdn/nzab083
Published by: Current Developments in Nutrition
PDF (434.13 KB)