Surabhi Mittal, Manika Sharma, Daniel Lopez de Romaña, PhD, Manpreet Chadha, Sakshi Jain, Puneet Khanduja, MSc, Dr. Dylan Walters, and Mandana Arabi, MD, PhD.

Published: December 15, 2022


In India, Social Safety Net Programs (SSNPs) like the Public Distribution System (PDS), PM-POSHAN and Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) are a one-stop platform to meet a significant portion of the daily dietary requirements of the most vulnerable households. While staple foods remain the focus of the PDS platform, there’s a significant opportunity to improve nutritional outcomes by offering a more diverse range of nutritious foods through PM-POSHAN and ICDS. This study provides a set of recommendations and options for SSNPs to consider in terms of the most feasible path for pursuing dietary diversification, with the goal of reducing the nutrition gap.