Christiana R. Titaley, Enrika Rahayu, Rita Damayanti, Dini Dachlia, Ratu A.D. Sartika, Amry Ismail, Adhi Sanjaya, and Elvina Karyadi.

Published: October 1, 2017


This analysis aimed to examine the extent to which improved knowledge of Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation is associated with women’s compliance with taking a minimum of 90 IFA tablets during their last pregnancy. The data that was analyzed came from a 2014 cross-sectional study that was conducted in four districts in Indonesia and significant association was found between knowledge of IFA supplements and compliance.

It was shown that efforts to increase women’s knowledge on IFA supplementation through community-based education will increase women’s compliance of taking IFA supplements. Strengthening counseling services on potential side effects of IFA supplementation and ways to manage them will also help improve compliance.


Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
