Canada announces historic investment in the global fight against malnutrition
February 6, 2025
Advancing Neural Tube Defect Prevention in Low- and Middle-Income Countries through Improved Folate Status in Women of Reproductive Age- Proceedings from the Technical Consultation: Folate Status in Women and Neural Tube Defect Prevention
This document is a summary of findings and recommendations from the technical consultation entitled: “Folate Status in Women and Neural Tube Defect Prevention”. Commonly referred to as “The Roadmap”, this report outlines a plan to guide investments and implementation efforts in Neural Tube Defect (NTD) prevention in low- and middle- income countries, and identifies research and knowledge gaps that exist in this field.
As a result of the consultation, eight technical documents were produced, recommendations for NTD prevention were developed, and a roadmap to guide NTD prevention was established. Summaries of the technical reports and a description of the roadmap are provided in this document.
This document will provide guidance and will serve as a framework for the acceleration and scale up of NTD prevention.
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