project June 14, 2020 Right Start Ethiopia Right Start Ethiopia aimed to reduce pregnancy and birth complications, reduce low birthweight and neural tube defects, and reduce stunting in children under five.
project June 14, 2020 Right Start Bangladesh Right Start Bangladesh aimed to reduce anaemia, pregnancy and birth complications, low birthweight, neural tube defects, and stunting in children under five.
project June 13, 2020 United Nations Population Fund, Senegal Working with UNFPA, we're increasing knowledge and awareness of iron-folic acid supplementation and healthy diet among adolescent girls, women, and healthcare workers in Senegal.
project June 7, 2020 School Nutrition for Adolescents Project With our partners in Bangladesh, we help adolescents achieve their potential with an effective, scalable program to combat iron deficiency, improve nutrition, and support related interventions.
project June 7, 2020 BRAC Together with BRAC, our research adds needed evidence used to determine which actions should be taken to strengthen nutrition integration into multiple sectors.
project June 6, 2020 Folate Task Team Through an NTEAM global nutrition task team, we’re laying the groundwork for implementing a global strategy to control folate insufficiency and prevent related neural tube defects.
May 19, 2020 Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFAS) for Adolescents – FAQs The purpose of this document is to provide technical guidance to support interventions in this area.
May 16, 2020 Preconceptional Nutrition Interventions for Adolescent Girls and Adult Women: Global Guidelines and Gaps in Evidence and Policy with Emphasis on Micronutrients This article reviews the global picture of preconception nutrition in women and girls
Brief May 14, 2020 Knowledge Brief – Improving folate status in women of reproductive age to prevent neural tube defects This knowledge brief summarizes the findings of the technical reports and roadmap for action which were produced as a result of the technical consultation
May 13, 2020 Identifying Nutrition and Health-Relevant Behaviors, Beliefs, and Values of School-Going Adolescent Girls in Rural Bangladesh: Context for Interventions This study describes the nutrition-relevant context required for effective intervention planning with a special emphasis on iron because anemia has been identified as a significant problem in adolesce