Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course

Globally, adolescents―particularly girls―are greatly affected by malnutrition, partly due to their specific biological needs. However, they are often missed by health and nutrition interventions, as until recently they have not been viewed as a priority for health and nutrition.  Sign up now for this free online course from leading technical experts Nutrition International.

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The course

The Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course is made up of 15 modules covering a wide range of information from introductory to data to programming and engagement with and for adolescents.  

A certificate of completion will be provided after completing all modules. 

NEW! Narration transcripts now available in additional languages!

Learners around the world have been asking us to provide course content in additional languages to support their work in adolescent nutrition, and so we are translating the narration transcripts into eight new languages.  

The additional language transcripts are currently available in Amharic, Bahasa, Bengali, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Swahili  and Urdu. 

© 2021 Nutrition International. All rights reserved

Even in graduate nutrition programs, very little emphasis has been placed on adolescent nutrition. This course helps fill the gap.

The knowledge acquired through this course will build the capacity of individuals and organizations to better understand and address the nutrition of adolescents.

Shrink the gap in knowledge

There is a need for greater focus on, and more resources allocated to, improving nutrition for adolescents around the world.

Build your capacity

Improve nutrition for adolescents

Unlock the Potential

Since 1992, Nutrition International has evolved into a global technical leader in nutrition and implementation science.  With technical expertise and deep understanding of the subject, we have developed the Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia course. 

In sharing our rigorously obtained knowledge, we hope to enable other organizations to join the global battle against malnutrition.

See the full syllabus in English

Sign up now to make a difference in global adolescent health

Designed by Nutrition International’s team of technical experts for proactive changemakers, this course offers a high-level overview of adolescent anaemia around the world today and provides practical information to apply to regional, national and global programs geared toward helping adolescents thrive and achieve their dreams.

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"When I was a PhD student in Nutrition there was very little content or time dedicated on adolescent nutrition. But the global sector is now recognizing the importance of this time in a person’s growth and development. I’m proud to have contributed to this new course on Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia."

Sr. Technical Advisor, Adolescent  Health and Nutrition

Dr. Marion Roche

President and CEO,
Nutrition International

Joel C. Spicer

"As a global leader in nutrition, Nutrition International takes a 
'no missed opportunities' approach to ensure we are delivering the right nutrition at the right time. 
For too long, adolescence has been a missed opportunity. This course brings new knowledge and evidence to the global health sector, paving the way 
for critical advancements in adolescent nutrition.”

“Improving adolescent nutrition is key to ending malnutrition globally but a lack of data and understanding on adolescents’ specific needs has made it a low priority among health leaders. Recognizing this gap, Nutrition International’s world-renowned technical experts have built this course to deliver relevant and practical information for governments and organizations to deliver better, more-effective programs and interventions.”

Dr. Luz María De-Regil

Global Health and Strategy Advisor

