
increase in procurement of iron and folic acid supplements two years in a row


operational guides to support nutrition training distributed


frontline healthcare workers received training

The need

Prevalence of anaemia in the Philippines

Pregnant women

  • 26.1% of pregnant women are anaemic, which indicates a moderate, but important, public health problem

Infants and children under five

  • 22% newborns are born with a low birthweight
  • 57% of newborn infants were introduced to breastfeeding within the first hour after birth
  • Only 29% of infants 0 to 5 months were exclusively breastfed
  • 13.4% of children 6 to 23 months were fed the minimum acceptable diet recommended by WHO

Anaemia affects:

  • 48.2% of infants 6 to 11 months
  • 35.4% of children 12 to 23 months

Our Solution

Supporting pregnant women, health workers and government partners

Folate/Folic Acid

Folate/Folic Acid



Nutrition International’s Right Start Philippines project ensures that:

Community health workers receive refresher training in facilitating support group meetings of pregnant women and mothers with children under two, as well as job aids and tracking tools to improve their:

  • Skills in effective infant and young children nutrition counselling and provision of micronutrient powders
  • Capacity to deliver antenatal care and promote iron-folic acid supplementation throughout pregnancy

Pregnant women are encouraged to actively participate in nutrition and breastfeeding support group meetings in their communities for:

  • Nutrition education and skills-building
  • Counselling
  • Compliance to antenatal care visits, iron and folic acid supplementation, and essential infant and young child feeding practices, including exclusive breastfeeding

Mothers and caregivers receive guidance on the benefits of:

  • Exclusive breastfeeding
  • Timely introduction of nutritionally adequate complementary foods and continued breastfeeding
  • Adding micronutrient powders and ensuring their consumption

Government partners receive reviews and updates of selected national policies and guidelines to address maternal nutrition.

The Impact

Preventing anaemia and promoting infant and young child nutrition

Right Start Philippines trained thousands of frontline health workers and provided operational guides so that as many pregnant women and mothers as possible can get the nutrition and tools they need to support their children. Throughout our interventions, a heavy emphasis is placed on supplementation and exclusive breastfeeding.


increase in procurement of iron and folic acid supplements two years in a row


operational guides to support nutrition training distributed


frontline healthcare workers received training