David was previously the Director and Head of the 3ie Washington, DC Office and served for ten years as President and CEO of the not-for-profit, Results for Development Institute (R4D). He also headed up the World Bank’s vice-presidency for the social sectors (nutrition, health, education, population, and social safety net and protection programs in developing countries), and subsequently, its vice-presidency for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dr. de Ferranti has served in the U.S. government and led research at Rand, the think tank. He has been a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and the United Nations Foundation, and an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.

He is Chair of the Board for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, spent ten years on the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and serves on numerous other boards and international committees.

He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University, and a B.A. from Yale University, with Phi Beta Kappa and Magna cum Laude honors.

His recent publications include the book How to Improve Governance: A New Framework for Analysis and Action and The Lancet article “Reforming how health care is paid for in China: challenges and opportunities.”